Dec 01, 2022
What Are The Benefits Of Cocoa Powder?
Cocoa powder plays an important role in the chocolate world and is rich in minerals. Manganese, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, D, E, B1 and alkaloids with various bioactive functions. Benefi...
Bulk Cocoa
Dec 01, 2022
What Is The Difference Of Chocolate Powder And Cocoa Powder?
Cocoa powder and chocolate powder are two different powders, cocoa powder is mainly used for baking and chocolate powder is mostly used for brewing drinks. Cocoa powder It is a cocoa product obtained ...
Bulk Cocoa
Dec 01, 2022
What's The Difference Between Cocoa Butter And Cocoa Butter Substitute?
Chocolate is one of the most popular snacks for children and girls alike, as it is sweet and tasty. When it comes to chocolate, we have to mention cocoa butter and cocoa butter substitute.
Bulk Cocoa
Dec 01, 2022
How To Make Unsweetened Pure Cocoa Powder?
100% unsweetened cocoa powder may have a bitter taste, but it is highly nutritious! How do you make unsweetened cocoa powder taste good?
Bulk Cocoa
Dec 01, 2022
What Is Alkalized Cocoa Powder? Is There Any Difference Between Alkalized Cocoa Powder And Non-alkalized One?
How do you choose between the lighter coloured 'natural cocoa powder', which is rich in nutrients, and the darker, milder 'alkalised cocoa powder', which has its own benefits?
Bulk Cocoa
Nov 16, 2022
Process of Cocoa
Summary of the process of transforming cocoa beans into chocolate:Step 1. The cocoa beans are cleaned to remove all extraneous material.Step 2. To bring out the chocolate flavour and colour, the beans are...
Bulk Cocoa
Nov 16, 2022
Harvesting and Post-harvest of Cocoa
Harvesting CocoaPods containing cocoa beans grow from the trunk and branches of the cocoa tree. Harvesting involves removing ripe pods from the trees and opening them to extract the wet beans. The pod...
Bulk Cocoa
Nov 16, 2022
Categories of Cocoa Beans
The wond cocoa market distinguishes between two broad calegories of cocoa beans. "fine or favour" cocoa beans, and "bulk" or "ordinany" cooa beans. As a generalisation, f...
Bulk Cocoa