Wuxi XinJingYuan Food Technology Co., Ltd.
Wuxi XinJingYuan Food Technology Co., Ltd.

Categories of Cocoa Beans

The wond cocoa market distinguishes between two broad calegories of cocoa beans. "fine or favour" cocoa beans, and "bulk" or "ordinany" cooa beans. As a generalisation, fine or flavour, coooa beans are produced from Criollo or Trinitario cocoa-ravieties while bulk cooa beans come fom Focastero trees.There are, however known exceptions to this generalisation. Nacionalp trees in Ecuador, considered to be Focastero-type trees, prodce fine or favour cocoa. On the other and, Cameroon cocoa beans, produced by Trinitario-ypetrees and whose coapowder has a distinct and sought-after red colour, are classified as bulk cocoa beans. The share of fne or fiavour cocoa in the tal wod proucion of coa beans is utunder 5% per annum. Virtully all major activity over the past five decades has involved bulk cocoa with cocoa China-Skyswan.

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